Odyssey Putters
Callaway acquired the Odyssey Sports brand in 1997 and has been producing innovative and highly effective putters under the Odyssey name ever since. The best known and undoubtedly most popular Odyssey putter through the years has been the Odyssey 2-ball, which first came to the market in 2000 and has remained, in its various forms, at the heart of the Odyssey line-up ever since.
More recently, families such as AI-One have added a new and innovative dimension to the range, helping to retain Odyssey's crown - "the number one putter in golf".
Odyssey Fitting
You may feel like putter choice is just a matter of aesthetics and personal preference. In fact, the variability across players' putting set-ups, styles and strokes means that this is far from the case, which is why, if you think about it, there is much more variety among putter designs than for any other club in the bag. At Premium Golf we offer a putter fitting service that narrows the bewildering array of putters down through analysis of your static measurements and set-up, and the characteristics and consistency of your stroke.
This will determine the head type and the approximate specification of putter that is likely to give you the best results, before narrowing down further according to any preferences you may have for a particular brand, look or finish, and trying out the candidates most likely to offer great performance and player satisfaction!
We then use SAM Puttlab to analyse and compare putter performance ultimately helping you choose the right wand.